Even if you’re not sure what a blog is, you’ve no doubt come across one at some point in time. Perhaps you’ve stumbled across a blog when you’ve searched «healthy dinner recipes».

You know you’ve gotta drum up fresh social media content ideas to keep your followers interested and attract new people to your account. But it can be downright exhausting to be creative every day and deliver content gold on multiple platforms.

So we’re here to help. With this cheatsheet of solid content ideas for each major social channel, you’ll keep your social media strategy ahead of the curve. You’ll never find yourself staring at a blank content calendar again.


Tap into your audience’s insatiable curiosity with an “ask me anything” live stream session.

Pro tip: try focusing the AMA on a specific topic, with a call for questions about your latest collection, or questions about entrepreneurship.

Some people like to do an Instagram, TikTok or Facebook live stream, answering questions right from the comments in the moment. Others like to do a series of Instagram Stories using the Question stickers, like congresswoman Alexandria Osacio-Cortez did with her AMA on Covid vaccines.

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